成田国際空港での就職・アルバイト説明会に参加 Participation in a job and part-time job fair at Narita International Airport 參加在成田國際機場舉辦的就業和兼職招聘會
On Sunday 27 July, students attended a job and part-time job information session organised by Narita International Airport Corporation. The students were given an explanation of what kind of work there is at the airport. The students were surprised to be able to see places that the general public are not allowed to enter.
At the end of the tour, the students put on airport staff costumes and participated in the Narita City Festival, which they enjoyed.
7 月 27 日星期日,學生參加了由成田國際機場株式會社舉辦的工作和兼職招聘會。 學生們聽取了機場有哪些工作的說明。 學生們對於能夠參觀一般大眾無法進入的地方感到驚訝。