入学式 School entrance ceremony 入学仪式
The entrance ceremony was held today. The reason for this was that some students had delayed their arrival in Japan.
After the opening address by the president and principal of the university, the students were filled with anticipation for their future life and studies in Japan.
This year's April intake includes 18 students: 8 from Myanmar, 6 from Nepal, and 4 from Sri Lanka.
今天举行了入学仪式。 由于部分同学来日日期推迟了,所以今天举行了入学典礼。 学校理事长、校长致词后,学生们对未来在日本的生活和学习充满了期待。
今年学校四月期学生一共18名,其中 8 人来自缅甸,6 人来自尼泊尔,4 人来自斯里兰卡。